B&W parade presents Anna Marchlewska

Anna Marchlewska has been interested in colour, composition and art in all its forms since she was very young. The Beaux-Arts in Paris, followed by a career as a graphic designer, photographer and art director for major Parisian luxury houses, gave her a solid foundation to start her own business.

Since the beginning of 2014, she has been working on the photographic project, "Les Amazones, portrait de la femme du XXIème siècle" which now has over 200 participants.

His new project "En suspension" mixes photography and brush marks. The misty landscapes of the Jura and the silent nature invite us to introspection. Suspension of matter and suspension of time merge and illustrate the gushing energy (...) of the artist's gesture.

Black and White: the simplicity of the photo with a unique character.

> Visit the website 

From a young age, Anna Marchlewska has been interested in colors, composition and art in all its forms. The Beaux-Arts of Paris, then a career as a graphic designer, photographer and artistic director for Parisian luxury houses, gave her a solid foundation to start on her own. Since 2014, she has been working on the photographic project, "The Amazons, portrait of the woman of the 21st century," which today has more than 200 participants. Her new project "In suspension" mixes photography and the traces of the brush. The misty landscapes of the Jura and the silent nature invite us to introspection. Suspension of matter and suspension of time merge and illustrate the gushing energy (...) of the artist's gesture. Black And White: the simplicity of the single-character photo.