from the association Quatre Couleurs


Delphine GARNIER

Founding President

Originally from La Rochelle, Delphine is attracted by art in all its forms. From an early age she practised dance as well as piano and theatre.

She began by studying literature and languages, which led her to study in Trieste, Florence, New York and Dallas, among other places. After completing her Master's degree, she went on to specialise in international trade in the world of fashion and luxury at the Sorbonne, and went on to become an intermediary between major brands and international buyers.

It was his attraction to high-quality art and craft that led him to set up the Quatre Couleurs association in parallel with his professional activity, with director Slony Sow.  



A lawyer specialising in business law and intellectual property, Sévane worked in the publishing, film and audiovisual sectors before moving into the field of literary and artistic agents. In 2016, she set up the TOPAZ agency, which represents authors, scriptwriters, directors, graphic designers, composers, etc.

She helped set up the Quatre Couleurs association, whose values and commitments are particularly close to her heart.



Specialising in film production, he has been with the association since its inception.




When Delphine Garnier asked me in October 2017 to become an ambassador for her association "Quatre Couleurs", I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but something about her speech and determination caught my eye. Delphine took the time to introduce me to each of the association's craftspeople and the more I listened to Delphine and understood her struggle, the more I realised the extent to which the defence of craftsmanship is directly linked to the defence of nature and the environment, a struggle that is particularly close to my heart.

 Quatre Couleurs' values - traceability, the defence of craftsmanship and cross-disciplinarity - have enabled me to understand that they are also a direct response to the offshoring that has amputated French and European culture over the last few decades, gradually wiping out the know-how that has for so long been its richness and culture.

Becoming an ambassador for this association has allowed me to broaden my understanding of the world we live in and to acquire better tools to improve my artistic and human approach in this era where consumers and producers have a real responsibility.



In October 2018 Delphine Garnier contacted me to introduce me to the association "Quatre couleurs", of which she is the founder. Whether by chance or by fate, the idea of committing myself to an association had been on my mind for some time... Immediately won over by both her speech and the values that this association conveys, it is with real joy and desire that I proudly accept to become one of its ambassadors.

The idea of bringing together different actors of French know-how is for me a more than enriching vector for our culture and seems to me indispensable at this time when the ecological impact is at the heart of my concerns. I believe deeply in the quality of French know-how in all its forms, and I am delighted to meet all these craftsmen and artists, to discover their arts, and to try to defend the "made in France" as best I can.

Delphine, through her ideas, her enthusiasm and her convictions, has been able to bring together all these different craftsmen and bring them to light, transversality, traceability and sharing being the heart of the association's values.