Bruno Moinard exhibition

The association Quatre Couleurs is honoured to present Bruno Moinard's exhibition which will take place from June 21st to July 31st at the Diane de Polignac Gallery. "Originally from Dieppe, Bruno Moinard is marked by the beauty of the Côte d'Albâtre. It is here that he found his simple and strong lines, the transparency and the essence of things.

A graduate of the École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art, he began his career in 1979 with Andrée Putman before finding his own identity. His singular style and his furniture, full of warm minimalism, sobriety, elegance and timelessness, have made him, in thirty years of creations, one of the leading figures in interior architecture and design. A great traveller, he has always practised the "art of the travel diary", a pictorial account of his encounters with others and with himself, a travel companion and guardian of memory. For the first time, he shows his paintings in this personal exhibition naturally entitled "Itinérance".

It is in his studio, in Varengeville-sur-Mer, that he reveals on canvas the emotional language of his travel diaries, which is distinguished by its anti-naturalistic vision and its desire to escape the illusionist system. Bruno Moinard, in the wake of Impressionism, is an abstract landscape painter who is characterised by a fluid gesture, marked by the discovery of American Action Painting, which translates a physical experience of confrontation with nature. His chromatic palette tending towards monochrome contributes to the solidity of his compositions, abstract at first glance but also figurative as a representation of space.

Text by Gilles Bastianelli from the catalogue of Bruno Moinard's works which will be published on the occasion of the exhibition Itinérance. Exhibition curator: Delphine Garnier. Production and design of the catalogue: Christian Demare.