14 women's views

Carole Benichou


Carole Benichou trained as a stylist, but painting has always been her passion. Self-taught, she worked with the painter Pierre Choutet, a teacher at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris.

Carole Benichou is a painter who uses parody and irony to divert the popular object through fantasy and gaiety. Her style moves from Street Art to Pop Art and back again, with touches of geometric abstraction sprinkled throughout her vibrant visual expressions. Painting has always been her passion. She takes us into her surprising and innovative pictorial world.

The artist has managed to impose her style in all her works in a highly colourful and contrasting universe. Carole adapts, revisits and transforms pop art with a new source of inspiration. She exhibits in several galleries and takes part in numerous contemporary art fairs. An artist to discover and follow...

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"There are no free women,

There are only women who dare to break taboos. They step out of their social conventions to gain independence and lead a life according to their convictions. Famous women have inspired me in my artistic approach, both by their emancipation and by their freedom of thought and action. Texts and materials are combined in my work. Work sets a woman free and my art is my freedom.

Carole Benichou

Portraits of shoes

"I love the energy that drives me to create! Sharing my work through the "Portraits of Shoes" exhibition allows me to combine my passions of art and fashion.