
The Quatre Couleurs association brought together Virginie Kartner, director and actress, and the French artisans on stage for the show VICTOIRE!

Lingerie designer Elise Anderegg, Millau glove-maker Lavabre Cadet, belt-maker Maison Vaincourt and ladies' tailor Claire Chataignier all worked to create the silhouettes for the actors. Fantasy, humour, glamour, laughter and suspense are all part of the life of this young "haute couture" lingerie designer.

Lou dreams of being a designer of fine lingerie. She works in the shadow of a great seducer who promises her the job of her dreams... Charlie, her colleague, neighbour, friend (lover?) is at her side when she has to face her demon: a strange woman who appears to her as a shadow of her former self... " Her little name is Vic! Her name is Vic! Victory is for later!" Is Charlie here by chance? Who is Victoire? Who is Johnny? Who is the real Lou? These four multi-faceted characters take us into a subtly madcap world!

Author: Virginie Kartner
Artists : Virginie Kartner, Patrice Tepasso, Merryl Beaudonnet, Gregory Kristoforoff
Director : Virginie Kartner