Jeremy Kapone


When Delphine Garnier asked me in October 2017 to become an ambassador for her association "Quatre Couleurs", I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, but something about her speech and determination caught my eye.

Delphine takes the time to introduce me to each of the association's craftspeople, and the more I listen to Delphine and understand her struggle, the more I realise the extent to which the defence of craftsmanship is directly linked to the defence of nature and the environment, a struggle that is particularly close to my heart.

Quatre Couleurs' values - traceability, the defence of craftsmanship and cross-disciplinarity - have enabled me to understand that they are also a direct response to the offshoring that has amputated French and European culture over the last few decades, gradually wiping out the know-how that has for so long been its richness and culture.

Becoming an ambassador for this association has enabled me to broaden my understanding of the world in which we live and to acquire better tools to improve my artistic and human approach in this age when consumers and producers have a real stake in the quality of our products.