14 women's views

Corine Lucas


Her artistic career has been marked by enriching encounters and varied apprenticeships. Under the enlightened guidance of Gilles Peyrache, she explored a wide range of painting techniques and continued to learn alongside Alain Marie, with whom she produced a number of captivating travel journals, marking her first steps into the world of art. Drawing became a passion thanks to her live model classes with the talented Shane Wolf and Marie-Ange Barbet. Their teaching enabled her to develop her sense of observation and express her creativity more precisely.

Her exploration of materials and painting processes intensified under the guidance of Patrice de Pracontal, a recognised expert in the field. This period of in-depth study gave her a solid technical base and encouraged her to pursue her artistic development. 

She has also had the privilege of taking part in numerous painting Master Classes, where she rubbed shoulders with renowned artists from the Etampes school and the navy, who have significantly influenced her practice. With François Legrand, Christoff Debusschere and Alain Jamet, she explored the subtle art of portraiture, seeking to capture the very essence of her subjects. Éric Bari gave her a fresh look at values and colours, enriching her artistic palette. Collaborations with Jacques Rohaut and Stéphane Ruais immersed her in the magic of landscapes, teaching her to capture the ephemeral beauty of nature and transfer it to canvas. 

Finally, working alongside Robert Verluca, she perfected her understanding of composition, giving a harmonious structure to her works. These different experiences have shaped her artistic style and nurtured her passion for painting, inspiring her to pursue her quest for creativity and artistic expression.

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"My view of today's woman?

I see a woman in search of physical and intellectual freedom: free to move around the world, to think and act as she wishes. I like to associate the word freedom with happiness. Sometimes we look for it so far away, this freedom, when it is right beside us. It is this feeling that I wanted to translate in my paintings: women from Africa, India, the United States, South America... who move forward in life, naturally, free, confident, happy to be who they are.

Corine Lucas

Portraits of shoes

"I was immediately attracted by this group exhibition "Portraits of Shoes". The idea of making a shoe portrait is original! I love Sophie and Frank's commitment to this company made in France!