14 women's views



Born in 1930, and discovered at the age of 40, Evelyne Simonet is a graduate of the Ecole supérieure technique d'art et de publicité. Her meeting with the sculptor César was the catalyst for her artistic career.

Her muse is the female figure: "Women are at the heart of my creations, their harmonious forms inspiring me. I like to see her in all her states: seductive, active, powerful, coiled up, adored... I like to sculpt her in freedom", confides the artist. She "loves" her (as the title "Femme lovée" suggests), curving and twisting her in a perpetual search for harmony.

His mastery and technique, combined with his sensitivity, have achieved sculptural prowess in the tradition of Auguste Rodin.

The artist exhibits in Paris galleries ("En liberté", an exhibition in which fourteen women share their views on feminine freedom) as well as outdoors, such as on the Place des Vosges in La Défense ("Le Baiser"). Evelyne Simonet has also carried out numerous commissions for companies (hotels, town halls, private collections). Her work was acclaimed by the City of Paris, which awarded her a silver medal in 1983.

When I was asked to take part in this exhibition, I was immediately attracted. Women are at the heart of my work, and I'm inspired by their harmonious forms. I like to see her in all her states: seductive, active, powerful, coiled up, adored... I like to sculpt her in freedom!

Els (Evelyne Simonet)