The play "Le secret des conteuses

The artisans of the association 4 couleurs accompanied the creation of the play "Le secret des Conteuses" by Martine Amsili with the actors Anne Jacquemin, Annie Sinigalia, Niseema, Julie Judd and Léa Bétremieux.

Fabrics : Charles Burger, Edmond Petit and Rubelli

Cannes : Cannes Fayet

Furniture : Henryot

Perfume : created for the play by Eleonore de Staël

Perfume diffuser : Natarom

Wigs : Antoine Wauquier

Jewellery : Luc Kieffer

Make-up : Miss W Shoes : Taher Mardini

Costume designer : Agnès Dupuis

Set design : Laurence Bernard

Lighting : Françoise Noyon

Paper : Thibierge

Champagne : Arlaux

Catering : Betty Nu food